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at DCAT 2024

DCAT Meet Us

March 18th - 21st -2024
The Benjamin Royal Sonesta Hotel 125 E 50th St, New York, NY 10022
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Our Team at DCAT 2024

About DCAT 2024

Scheduled from March 18-21 in New York City, DCAT Week 2024 is positioned as the premier event for the Global Bio/Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Value Chain. Hosted by the not-for-profit Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association (DCAT), the conference brings together a diverse range of industry participants, including innovator and generic drug manufacturers, suppliers, and technology providers.

Host: Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association (DCAT)

DCAT, a not-for-profit organization with a membership model that integrates various industry stakeholders, plays the role of a facilitator in the pharmaceutical and chemical sectors. Its global perspective and member-supported structure position it as a neutral platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Event Objectives

The primary objective of DCAT Week is to serve as a forum for professionals within the Bio/Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Value Chain. Attendees can expect a focus on knowledge dissemination, networking opportunities, and discussions around industry trends and challenges

Inclusive Participation

The event is open to a wide spectrum of participants, encouraging inclusivity among innovators, generic drug manufacturers, suppliers of ingredients, development and manufacturing services, as well as technology providers. This diversity in participation fosters an environment where different perspectives and expertise can be shared for the collective benefit of the industry

Knowledge Exchange

DCAT Week aims to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge and best practices. Participants can anticipate discussions on the latest innovations and technologies shaping the bio/pharmaceutical sector. The event aims to facilitate a neutral space for industry professionals to learn from one another and stay informed about advancements in drug development and manufacturing.

Member Involvement

DCAT Week relies on the active engagement of its members to contribute to the event's success. The association's member-supported model ensures that the event remains a reflection of the industry's collective intelligence. Member involvement extends beyond the event dates, contributing to a dynamic and ongoing platform for collaborative endeavors.

About Dr.Reddy's API Business

We specialise in manufacturing and supplying a wide range of APIs for generic formulation manufacturers in India and overseas. The company has a diversified portfolio of 180+ active pharmaceutical ingredients, which are used in major therapeutic areas such as gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, diabetology, oncology, pain management, and dermatology. Our API manufacturing facilities adhere to cGMP (ICH Q7) and are inspected on a regular basis by international regulatory bodies. We have eight commercially inspected USFDA production plants, six in India and one each in Mexico and the United Kingdom

About Graph

About Graph

Dr. Reddy's API business operates in a number of global markets, including the United States of America, Latin America, Europe, India, Russia, and other CIS nations.



Dr. Reddy's is among the top sustainable pharmaceutical companies globally. We are listed in the sustainability yearbook of S&P 2022 for the second year in a row and the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) for the fifth consecutive year. In addition, we were ranked ninth in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) 2021 among the most sustainable pharmaceutical companies in the world. In our sustainability journey, these accolades are humbling and demonstrate that we're on the right track. These awards recognize our consistent performance in the environment, social, and governance (ESG) framework. Sustainability and ESG are becoming increasingly important topics for all stakeholders, so we will strive to maintain visibility in these areas.


Our Achievements

Our API Manufacturing Units

Dr. Reddy’s API  Manufacturing Locations


© 2024 Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd. All rights reserved.

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