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Celebrating Creativity and Festivity: API Calendar Launch 2025!

Celebrating Creativity and Festivity: API Calendar Launch 2025!

We had an incredible time at the 2025 API Calendar Launch, featuring the wonderful artwork of our talented children! The event was filled with joy and festive spirit, starting with a warm welcome keynote by Karun Gaur, Vice President, and Head of API Strategic Projects, followed by a magical show and various activities that sparked creativity among our young artists. The air resonated with the melodious voices of Christmas caroller’s, setting a perfect festive tone. The highlight of the event was the official calendar launch by our enthusiastic kids, accompanied by our beloved CEO, Deepak Sapra. Santa made sure every child received a special gift, spreading smiles all around. Our CEO, Deepak Sapra, concluded the event with a heartfelt thank you note, expressing gratitude to everyone who made this event a success.

A big thank you to all the participants and organizers for making this event memorable. Here's to a fantastic year ahead with our new calendar!

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