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Dr. Reddy's API Calendar 2024 Unveiling: A Magical Celebration of Creativity, Joy, and Togetherness with Our Global Team's Talented Young Artists

Exciting moments unfolded at the recent Dr. Reddy's API Calendar unveiling event, where we proudly showcased the heartwarming artwork created by the talented children of our global team. Under the theme "How to make the world a better place," each piece of art reflects the limitless creativity and optimism that children contribute.

Thank you to the remarkable children and their parents for adding magic to this event. Santa's cheerful presence added a festive touch, spreading joy and laughter among the kids. Our CEO, Deepak Sapra, joined the festivities, making the event unforgettable by unveiling the calendar alongside our young artists. To conclude the celebration, each child received heartwarming Christmas gifts, transforming this occasion into an event and a celebration of creativity, happiness, and unity.

Here's to the upcoming year, filled with inspiration, positivity, and the unwavering spirit of Dr. Reddy's family!

Click here to download the Calendar

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