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Dr. Reddy's API team at CPHI India 2024

Dr. Reddy's API team at CPHI India 2024

Dr. Reddy's Laboratories made a significant impact at CPHI India 2024, held from November 26th to 28th at the India Expo Centre in Greater Noida, Delhi NCR.

Dr. Reddy's API team presented their extensive portfolio of over 250 high-quality Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), which cater to major therapeutic areas such as gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, diabetology, oncology, pain management, and dermatology. The event facilitated numerous opportunities for networking and knowledge exchange. Dr. Reddy's experts engaged in insightful discussions with industry peers, potential partners, and customers, exploring new avenues for collaboration and growth.

Recognition and Awards:

Proud to Announce Our Double Win at CPHI & PMEC India!

  • Excellence in R&D for our pioneering work in developing a continuous API manufacturing process.
  • Excellence in Ancillary Pharma Services - Supply Chain & Logistics for enhancing customer experience through improved OTIF and reduced back orders with integrated demand and supply chain management.

Dr. Reddy's participation at CPHI India 2024 was a resounding success reinforcing our position as a leader in the pharmaceutical industry. The event not only showcased their current capabilities but also set the stage for future advancements and collaborations. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who visited our booth and engaged with our team. Your support and collaboration are vital as we continue to innovate and deliver high-quality pharmaceutical solutions worldwide.

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