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Tech Sheet - Dr. Reddy’s Eribulin Mesylate API offerings

Eribulin Mesylate (Halaven®) is a microtubule inhibitor indicated to treat patients with:

  • Metastatic breast cancer who have previously received at least two chemotherapeutic regimens to treat metastatic disease.
  • Unresectable or metastatic liposarcoma who have received a prior anthracycline-containing regimen.

As per global data analytics, global annual sales volumes of Eribulin Mesylate were at $392 million, including $153 million from the US, $126 million from Europe, and $112 million from the rest of the world. As of February 2022, Eribulin Mesylate (Halaven®) is approved in 39 countries worldwide.

To know more about our API offerings, please read the technical sheet on Eribulin Mesylate by filling the contact from below.

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