

Finasteride (Form 1)

Finasteride (Form 1)-API

Finasteride (Form 1) API

CAS Number: 98319-26-7

About Finasteride (Form 1) API

Therapeutic Category

API Technology

Dose Form
Oral Solid/Tablets

Dr Reddy's Development Status

Available Regulatory Filing
USDMF, CEP Submitted, Brazil DMF, Canada DMF, Japan DMF, Korea DMF, Russia DMF

Mechanism of Action

Finasteride is a competitive and specific inhibitor of Type II 5 alpha-reductase, an intracellular enzyme that converts the androgen testosterone into DHT. Two distinct isozymes are found in mice, rats, monkeys, and humans: Type I and II. Each of these isozymes is differentially expressed in tissues and developmental stages. In humans, Type I 5 alpha-reductase is predominant in the sebaceous glands of most regions of skin, including scalp, and liver. Type I 5alpha-reductase is responsible for approximately one-third of circulating DHT. The Type II 5alpha-reductase isozyme is primarily found in prostate, seminal vesicles, epididymides, and hair follicles as well as liver, and is responsible for two-thirds of circulating DHT. In humans, the mechanism of action of finasteride is based on its preferential inhibition of the Type II isozyme. Using native tissues (scalp and prostate), in vitro binding studies examining the potential of finasteride to inhibit either isozyme revealed a 100-fold selectivity for the human Type II 5alpha-reductase over Type I isozyme (IC50=500 and 4.2 nM for Type I and II, respectively). For both isozymes, the inhibition by finasteride is accompanied by reduction of the inhibitor to dihydrofinasteride and adduct formation with NADP+. The turnover for the enzyme complex is slow (t1/2 approximately 30 days for the Type II enzyme complex and 14 days for the Type I complex). Inhibition of Type II 5 alpha-reductase blocks the peripheral conversion of testosterone to DHT, resulting in significant decreases in serum and tissue DHT concentrations. In men with male pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia), the balding scalp contains miniaturized hair follicles and increased amounts of DHT compared with hairy scalp. Administration of finasteride decreases scalp and serum DHT concentrations in these men. The relative contributions of these reductions to the treatment effect of finasteride have not been defined. By this mechanism, finasteride appears to interrupt a key factor in the development of androgenetic alopecia in those patients genetically predisposed


PROPECIA is a 5α-reductase inhibitor indicated for the treatment of male pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) in MEN ONLY PROPECIA is not indicated for use in women

Dr. Reddy’sの専門知識・技術

ハイデラバード(インド)に本社を構えるDr. Reddy’s Laboratoriesは、世界的に有名な原薬(API)供給業者です。Dr. Reddy’sのAPIビジネスは米国、ヨーロッパ、ブラジル、南米、日本、中国、韓国、その他の新興市場において製薬会社の推奨パートナーとなっています。

Dr. Reddy’sのAPIビジネスは、ステロイド、ペプチド、複合長鎖分子、高薬理活性API(HPAPI /腫瘍学薬)など、複合APIの開発・製造において、30年以上にわたり高度な技術的実績を築き上げ、成長しています。この専門知識・技術は弊社の知的財産および規制関連業務の実績と共に、一貫して規制基準を満たし、それを超える優れた価値を生み出しています。Dr. Reddyの(-) API, R&D (研究開発)、IP、規制の高度な専門知識・技能の結果です。



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製品またはサービスへの参照を含むこのカタログの情報は、販売の申し出を構成するものではなく、販売の申し出を表すものとして解釈されるものではありません。有効な特許で保護された製品は、商用目的で提供または提供されません。ただし、そのような規制上の免除が存在する場合は、規制当局への提出を目的として、そのような製品の調査数量が提供される場合があります。購入者は、それぞれの市場の特許シナリオを独自に評価する必要があり、すべての特許関連の責任を負うものとします。インドで有効な特許に基づいて保護されている製品は、商用利用はできませんが、セクション 107A の目的には利用できます。